We are in Oklahoma City, enjoying temps in the upper 70s...We did get downtown and saw the Bombing Memorial...the Federal Building that whack-job McVeigh destroyed along with the lives of over 160 innocent people.

We were very glad we did....
The base of each chair is lit, and glows through the lucite base...it is awesome with the light of the chairs against the dark of the night. The Memorial is open 24/7.
We also used the water taxi on the canal built through Bricktown, the warehouse district of the city. The city fathers have done a great job reclaiming a mess of deterioration, crime and homelessness.

There are several public art projects, most done by area college art students. At the south end of the manmade canal is a group of sculptures depicting the Land Rush of the late 1800's The statues are one and a half times life size, and are stunning! There also is a huge mosiac with a fountain, and some great murals showing the history of the city. I had no idea Oklahoma City could be so fun.
We are heading out tomorrow morning, hoping to get close to Little Rock.
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