Monday, October 27, 2008

Florida, chill, and doctors

Hey, we're in Florida and the cold front is chasing us! We are just east of Tallahassee at a dumpy overnight park. The temps are supposed to drop to the low 40s. then the high in Jacksonville may only be 61 or 62 on Tues-Wed. Acouple of chilly days, and then it is supposed to be in the mid 70s for awhile. We'll take it!

We just spent three quiet days at the Styx River RV Resort east of Mobile, AL. A very nice park, great weather, but unfortunately there is a shooting range just up the road, so throughout the weekend there was a constant cracking of gunfire. This is what the 2nd amendment is about...nobody had an AK-47. By Sunday we were kind of used to it.

I have my consultation at the Proton Therapy Institute on'll be an all day affair, with blood tests, Dr. consult, and a CT scan to boot. Then on Thursday, I go under the Mayo clinic's scrutiny. By the end of the day on Thursday, we should have some definitive idea about what is in store for me in this deal...we are hoping to be able to do the proton therapy, but we don't know if that is a possibility. We really appreciate all the nice calls and emails from all our friends and family! Thank you all for your expressions of concern and positive wishes. We love you all!!!

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