Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Quiet Times

Rving isn't all glitz, tourism and glamor. Witness this week where the days have passed and it doesn't look like we've done much. But, hey, that's OK, because we're retired!

We have started tackling our taxes, which is a daunting yet thrilling experience. We have found it more challenging in our little home on wheels, because in years past we spread all kinds of paper piles on at least two tables. We don't have two tables!!! Ellen handled it very well though...actually she did the much larger portion of this painful ordeal, and for that I salute her.

It should be an interesting return, with part of the year in Iowa and part in South Dakota. Interesting too because we are not sure if we can deduct some things "on the road". I respect our tax lady, she is up on everything tax related, and we are glad she takes all our subtotals and then usually tells us we're going to get a much bigger return that I thought humanly possible....and the Government has promised to make it even better with our rebate! I can't wait to jump start the economy!

We still have several piles to deal with, but we are still having fun aside from that...for example we played bridge tonight, went on a ride earlier and saw some very beautiful wildflowers---lots of lupines, and Mexican poppies. I also was able to finish carving our wooden sign to hang in front of our abode. When I get it stained and hung up, I promise to post a photo of it. I am just so thankful I haven't cut myself again!!!

Thought for today... Leap and the net will appear.

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