Well, I goofed on posting my brackets for March Madness, so I cannot win that Harley. Good thing I guess, because now we don't have to worry about how to pack it on our rig as we travel. In another bracket contest, I am in the 73rd percentile. Ellen, always one to point out the positive, remarked she knew I always was above average.
No Harley, but Mica is here!!! Jenn, Ben and Mica arrived a few days ago, and we have been delighting in having family around for Easter. We have also managed to spend most of a day at "Out of Africa", a wild animal park just north of our campground. Feeding carrots to a giraffe with a huge tongue was a fun event. This was at the open side window of a converted school bus. Our driver
was from South Africa complete with a cool accent, and he was able to give a very, very bumpy and dusty ride. We also enjoyed the "Tiger Splash", where park staff lured beautiful Bengal Tigers into leaping into a pool of water, making a giant tiger splash.

We spent some time at a National Monument, Montezuma's Castle, a well preserved dwelling system built into a cliffside. This was home to some 35 Sinaguas, from about 1000-1400 A.D. Sinagua translates into 'without water'. They had to hoist up water from Beaver Creek in the valley below where the peoples also hauled up their harvested foodstuffs from their valley fields. This group of peoples were part of a civilization of thousands of others along these valleys in North Central Arizona.
Mica had his first Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, and he really got into it, exclaiming "there's another egg!!!" several times. He was genuinely excited each time he spotted another bright plastic egg.
We hope all had a nice Spring Break and Easter Celebration!
Thought for today: The best way to make a long story short is to interrupt.
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