Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Ellen had a great report at the Mayo Clinic yesterday! She had been seeing a renal specialist for her after effects from her thyroid surgery a few years ago, including some kidney damage and high calcium in her kidneys, etc. Well, Dr. Lieske said everything looked great and she does not have to see him again unless something changes...that is great news!

We had a nice day in Rochester, and went to a movie for the first time since April. Get Smart was a fun movie, but I was a real fan of the TV show in the 60's. Steve Carrell was great (as always), but as I said to Ellen, Anne Hathaway was a MUCH better agent 99 than Barbara Feldon.

Hidden Bluffs Resort is a beautiful place to park your RV. We had to go over some nasty washboard gravel for a bit to get here, but it was worth it. Full facilities, and we're gonna try out the pool this afternoon.

A 'better late than never' thought for today: To err is human. To blame someone else is more human.

1 comment:

Judie said...

What wonderful news. Now you are truly free. I am so happy for you.

Loved your thought for today. I certainly am more human.