Wednesday, October 14, 2009


We have been in a campground in Gettysburg, PA this week, and have had a chance to spend a day at the Visitors Center and Museum. The exterior of the structure is kind of hodge podge, but the museum is simply awesome.

Inside is a cyclorama of the battle. Cycloramas were very popular in the 1890s, and basically were huge paintings in the round, so the viewer would stand in the middle of a circular room, with the painting on the wall. The viewer can turn around 360 degrees and see the continuous art work.

The Gettysburg Cyclorama is 42 feet high and over 350 feet in circumference! Longer than a football field!!!! It was originally displayed in boston, MA. The restoration of this magnificent painting was completed in 2008. Just below the circular viewing platform are actual artifacts, (cannons, rifles, etc.) and landforms to aid in the 3 dimensional effect. By the way, the painting is amazing in its 3D illusion.

We did an audio tour of the battlefield yesterday, which took in most of the 25 square miles of the ground around the town. Here one of the Confederate Napoleon cannons on Seminary Ridge.

This is the magnificent Pennsylvania Monument, which lists every one of the 34,000 plus Pennsylvania soldiers that fought here.

The Virginia Monument features Robert E. Lee on his steed Traveler, and is located on Seminary Ridge, where the ill advised Pickett's Charge was begun.

There are monuments everywhere, for individual officers, states, brigades, divisions, and on and on.

This is a humbling experience, walking the ground where thousands of men were killed or wounded.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


We made a day trip to Cleveland to see the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum on the shores of Lake Erie. Wow, what a trip back into time. All those albums I once owned, played so many many times, and lost along the way were there, in word, artifact, photo, video and sound.

The building is sort of weird looking with those angled wings. This is the best view I think with the gigantic atrium featured.

Inside view of the atrium features huge things, like these British autos suspended. Not sure, I think these are from a U2 video. Roger Watter's (Pink Floyd) Wall is also there. ("teacher, leave those kids alone!")

Some interesting artifacts include John Lennon's outfit from Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club album cover, Mick Jagger's Union Jack/American flag cape, and Jim Morrison's cub scout uniform. By the way he was a model child!

There was so much in the museum, we have to definitely return on our next swing though Ohio. One feature I really enjoyed was the Hall of Fame Jukebox. It was a listening station with headphones like at Best Buy, only you could access any member's total musical output, sorted by album, song or year. Ellen had to almost tear me away. One area of the museum had installations by 'era'--Grunge, British invasion, etc., full of video and photos, along with posters and rock historical objects. There also was an excellent exhibit about the roots of R & R--hillbilly, blues, etc.

There were several guitars in the entry area, decorated for theme or specific artist.

This is a must see attraction for anyone interested in music!!!!