Saturday, August 1, 2009

Our Anniversary

Wow, two posts in one day!!!!!!

I realized after I posted earlier that this day marks our 2nd anniversary of full timing!  Two full years of living in less than 400 square feet.  Two full years of going where we want to (mostly) and when we want to (mostly).  There have been some places we HAD to go (Jacksonville for cancer treatment, and some service centers to get things fixed)...and that goes hand in hand with not really choosing WHEN we went.

But all in all, it has been an awesome journey, allowing us to see so many historic and interesting and beautiful places. This is an amazing way to see the U.S., and we are so fortunate to have been able to do so. I hope to continue this blog to share some of the places we travel to.

We also have met so many neat people from all over America and Canada, keeping in touch with a lot of them, and making plans to reconnect with them down the road.  

We also have been able to keep in touch with our Iowa friends, as we swing through Iowa and Minnesota to visit our 3 daughters' families, although the toughest thing is not seeing the grandchildren as much as we'd like. 

One of the more interesting developments has been the necessity of yours truly to learn about this house on wheels and how to keep things working.  I am also working on how to (try and) fix them when things break or malfunction.  I am not yet a qualified RV Technician, but I sure am more savvy than I used to be.  There is tons yet to learn.

Hopefully we can continue this lifestyle for quite some time.  We have survived horrendous fuel prices, some very nasty weather, inability to get satellite tv, some problems caused by operator error (that's me)....... but my greatest achievement was tolerating the neighbor's dog barking all day while they were gone.

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