Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Reunion and back to Fort Dodge

Wow, time sure flies when you are having fun! We are now in Fort Dodge, Iowa, for our final stay for the year. Ellen has her book club tonight, we are visiting friends and I am having some doctor stuff done. Next week we plan on seeing comedian David Sedaris at the Civic Center and an Iowa Chops hockey game in Des Moines, and finishing with attending a wedding of one of Ellen's favorite student's wedding in Ames. The bride, a great young person, Hannah Carse, is the daughter of one of my favorite teaching friends and one of my poker buddies, Bryce and Steve Carse.

But last weekend was a ton of fun, as we had our annual 'reunion' of the "women from Clinton". This group started as a new mothers' group Ellen was in back in the 1970's. So we were graciously hosted by Wayne and Janet Walters in Port Byron, IL, just over the Mississippi River from Davenport, IA. Good food, good muchies, and great company!

Jim and Connie Dent (Indianapolis, IN), Elvie and Wanda Hirl (Clinton, IA) and Jim and Judie Ives (also full time RVers, retired out of Grand Rapids, MI) were there, along with Buddy rounded out the folks there. We played some games, watched some football (ouch for my Packers!), and ate a lot of food. We look forward to next year and thank Wayne and Janet and Buddy for being so nice to open their house up for us. I hope to post some photos soooon.

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